Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sleepy Sun - Embrace [ATP 2009]

Luck found me in the dark, locked down dungeon of my favorite radio station. I was searching out the new sounds and got sidetracked by a copy of Embrace, the debut project of San Francisco's Sleepy Sun. Music Director Matherine assured me this compact disk would take me where I wanted to be, so I grabbed it up and moved out the exit. Of course anyone at last month's SxSW would know Sleepy Sun, but I am not much of a wanderer. Me f'ing bad.

This release is a gambit of sludgy, tribal, whispering melded to heavily syncopated jams. Modal illusions of evilness morphing towards gospel-esque purity. These songs span where we are and the world we want to be in. Reality exists only in the silent gaps between the tracks. Listen on headphones in a face painted hypnosis and the mind alteration takes over.

If you're into the Black Mountain Army, Dead Meadow, Blue Cheer or lonely fogs of happiness you found the next CD for your collection.

Sleepy Sun claims, "Pizza, horticulture and Neil Percival Young," to be their shared interests and their inspiration, "bats, coming directly out of hell." Duh!


1 New Age 7:25 > tribal breaths
2 Lord 5:39 > spaced-out religion
3 Red/Black 2:11 > heavy trance
4 Sleepy Son 7:24 > haunting, drawn-out jam
5 Golden Artifact 3:42 > modal medicine
6 White Dove 9:23 > batty bells, wall-o-sounds
7 Snow Goddess 5:38 > calm & a storm
8 Duet With Northern Sky 2:58 > folksy Ryan Adams

You will love every fuzzy ghost and whisper on this CD. Embrace is due for release May 11th.

Professor Doom, Esq.

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